Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Change will do you good

What a way to start a day.

I had to wrangle my cat into the bedroom. My landlord is inspecting all the apartments today so the Cat of Cats had to be confined for her own good.

She has been quite a handful lately. I got a new rug for the living room & she does not like change.
Nor is she happy about the fact that I am finally getting around to the last boxes from our move. They made up her cardboard tower.

She surprised me with a new trick. She plays peek-a-boo from behind the toaster. I guess it’s nice and cozy there after my breakfast.

On the knitting front, I am only bringing "potato chip" projects to work. Just light no thinking knitting. This week I'm working on a scarf of soft and fluffy novelty yarn. I am still using my baseball needles, even if I am heartbroken over the Astro's season. Ah well, there is always next year.

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