Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blue moon blues

Christmas was very different this year. I came down with a wicked head cold 2 days before Christmas. Stuffed head, running nose, slight fever the whole package. Because of this I bowed out of the family gathering. I really did not want to give my cold as a Yuletide gift. At least now I can breathe out of both sides of my nose & can now focus enough to both knit and read.
One of the nicest gifts of the season was from a very dear old friend. It was a marvalous rocker and foot rest. What was really niffty was that my Dad had just given me a new floor lamp. The only downside is that a certain cat has now claimed it as her own.

It sort of fits in that the year & the decade is ending in a blue moon. I will be very glad to see the end of 2009.
I am also very happy to get rid of this decade. All in all the turning of the new century was not a success. It brought life changes that were on the whole most unwelcomed. I am continually doubting several choices I made over the last 10 years. I do not seem to be better off in any aspect of my life that truely matters. Day to day survival is my only goal most of the time.
No the last decade will not be missed.

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